Monday, February 29, 2016

Parenting through a class 5 rapid


To my readers,

              This week I had a moment that reminded me of the time when I went white water rafting. Before you get into the raft, you are given a little lesson on do's and don'ts. One of the do’s is to always stay seated in the raft, and if you fall out the raft, don't stand up when you are in the water. You must remain seated until someone is able to get you, especially when the tides are rough. If you stand up, you risk falling face forward and even worse, breaking your fall on a rock.

             All the rivers are rated on a class scale. The scale goes from 1 to 5. Class 1 is moving water with small waves that are calm and serene. The waves get more intense the higher in class. Class 5 is large, complex, gushing rapids, twisting, and spinning to deliver the consummate adrenaline rush.

            I had a one parent moment, which most people have experienced. What is a one parent moment? A one parent moment varies, it can be a couple where one is a nurturer and the other a provider and or a single parent. Then there are times when your mate is not there because they had to go to work or take care of a errand, and etc.

           I have 4 children and they all needed my attention at the same time. One of my boys was in the tub having a tantrum, my other son was screaming in pain because he hurt his finger, my other little one was screaming in pain because he had a splinter. My other son was crying because he wanted me to get him a snack. I am still recovering from pneumonia and realized there is no time to be sick when you are a parent.

          So with that being said, I had to triage the kids. I had to decide who was priority and take care of them accordingly. I gave the child that was in the tub some attention and directed him to get dressed. Next I went to the child who was screaming in pain because of an injury to his finger. Then I helped  the child with the splinter in his foot. Last I got a snack for the other child.

         Going through those moments of helping the boys that were distressed, I realized that in white water rafting, one of the fundamental rules are to stay seated (calm) in the raft, especially when the waves (situation) becomes rough. I stood up when the water became complex and started gushing all around me (screaming children) and it went from class 2 to class 5 in seconds and I got knocked out of the raft. While in these rapid currents, I remembered the rule to remain seated (calm). While seated I was able to come up with a solution to triage. The situation passed through the class 5 (screaming child/ren) and eventually became smooth again a class 1 (no more screaming).

Come back each Friday for a new blog. Feel free to comment and share. If you have something you would like me to discuss share it in the comments or email

Have a Class 1 week on purpose,

Tracie Osborne

copyright 2016 Tracie Osborne All rights reserved

Friday, February 19, 2016

My Secrets Revealed

Hello Friends,  

      This week I will be sharing my secrets. I call them secrets because it is the secrets that put me in what I call an invisible prison. An invisible prison is a prison with no bars. You are placed in this prison because of fear. Fear of what people might think, fear of the unknown, fear of society, and etc.

       I realize that fear is just a feeling that everyone feels. It is how you respond to the feeling that will keep you out of the invisible prison. Right now in this moment as I write this blog I am feeling knots in my stomach. I have goosebumps all over my body. So forgive me if I take a minute getting the secret out.

        It’s now time to reveal my first secret. I was married and out of my marriage came four lovely boys and now I am divorced. I have been divorced for over two years. It baffles me that it is bothering me till this very day to share this very secret to my readers. Everyone that knows me or come into contact with me knows of my circumstances. Now you my readers also know and the fear of telling you is now gone.  

       Like the saying goes it takes a village to raise children. I have my village which includes my ex husband, family, friends, school staff, neighbors, and etc. The biggest part of my help is my mother. I don’t even think she realizes how much I appreciate her. She stopped her life so she could help my boys and me. I want her to know that I love her and that she is the best mother a girl could have. My mother is the reason I am here on this blog sharing my journey. My story would have been different without her around. Thank you so much mom for all that you do for us.

       My second secret that I will be discussing is my weight. A good portion of my life my weight would go up and down. I would compare my weight to a yo-yo. I've been a small person all my life but my struggle was to maintain weight. I learned from a personal trainer that I need to strength training to maintain weight. Some people have told me to eat more. I realized that eating more doesn’t work for me because I have a fast metabolism. After working out for a few years I have found a regimen that works.

        In closing, I have freed myself from my invisible prison by sharing my secrets (fears) with you. I have shared my secrets and I am feeling naturally high on life right now. The knots in my stomach are gone. The goosebumps are gone. I am full of love, joy, happiness and freedom.

Come back each Friday for a new blog. Feel free to comment and share. If you have something you would like me to discuss share it in the comments or email

Have a wonderful week on purpose my friends

Tracie Osborne

copyright 2016 Tracie Osborne All rights reserved

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fear of telling my story

Hello Everybody
Have you ever wanted to get something off of your chest? Last week Friday I decided to start this blog talking about my journey. My first blog I didn't capture the audience the way I wanted to. I briefly described what I was going through for the past 10 years of my life. 
       On Sunday after I had a discussion with my friend she conveyed to me that I didn't give enough details on my blog. I immediately was paralyzed by fear and I decided to erase everything  and just put in a line saying under construction. You see we are always putting ourselves under construction. We paralyze ourselves from the world.
      I didn't realize I was still holding on to what I call "secrets" that paralyzed me. When I realized that I had to expose my secret that's when the paralysis kicked in.  I went back into what I call  a invisible prison. At least when you're in a physical prison you know that you're in prison because you see the bars.
         It took me about two days to recover from the paralysis. On Wednesday I freed myself and I rewrote my blog with detail and no fear.
        That was a huge step for me because I used to be a private person.  I was more like the person that would just read and like the posts on Facebook. If I would post    it would be brief.
       I realize now that this blog is a platform to help me stay out of my invisible prison. This week was my first test and I passed.
     Next week I will talk more about my secret.

Come back each Friday for a new blog. Feel free to comment and share. If you have something you would like me to discuss share it in the comments or email

Have a wonderful week on purpose.

Tracie Osborne

Copyright 2016 Tracie Osborne all rights reserved

Friday, February 5, 2016


Hello Readers,
  My name is Tracie Osborne and I am going to talk about my journey.
 About ten years ago I started to have questions about life. I began by asking my friend and or reading the bible to get my answers.  Then I lost contact with my friend. At the time I thought it was a set back for me.  I realized I was relying on my friend for answers. 
    Then I broke out of my shell six years ago and  I made a life changing decision to stop watching television and instead read books. I continued to have more questions. My questions were answered in many forms. Some were through books, friends,  article,  etc.  I realize now that in the first ten years of my journey  was a learning phase.
    It took a life changing experience for me to realize and recognize who I was.  I caught pneumonia and with that pneumonia came a out of body experience(near death experience) and I realize that I needed that pneumonia to stay still.
   I am a mother of 4 boys and a dog and I tend to put everyone and everything before myself. The only thing that slowed me down and kept me still was the pneumonia.
  When I was discharged from the hospital I realized that it was time to teach what I learned in those 10 years.
 I would love for you to be a part of my journey.  I now recognize that I can help people in so many different areas.  For now I am going to focus on relationships.  Not just intimate relationships, but with mother and child,  friends, family etc. 

 Come back each Friday for a new blog. Feel free to comment and share. If you have something you would like me to discuss share it in the comments or email
Have a wonderful week on purpose,

Tracie Osborne
Copyright 2016 Tracie Osborne all rights reserved