Friday, March 18, 2016

It was only a moment, stop blocking your joy

Zen Buddist story
         Two monks, going to a neighboring monastery, walked side by side in silence. They arrived at a river they had to cross. That season, waters were higher than usual. On the bank, a young woman was hesitating and asked the younger of the two monks for help. He exclaimed, 'Don't you see that I am a monk, that I took a vow of chastity?'
         'I require nothing from you that could impede your vow, but simply to help me to cross the river. 'replied the young woman with a little smile.
         'I...not...I nothing for you, 'said the embarrassed young monk.
         'It doesn't matter, 'said the elderly monk. 'Climb on my back and we will cross together.
Having reached the other bank, the old monk put down the young woman who, in return, thanked him with a broad smile. She left her side and both monks continued their route in silence. Close to the monastery, the young monk could not stand it anymore and said, 'You shouldn't have carried that person on your back. It's against our rules.'
          'This young woman needed help and I put her down on the other bank. You didn't carry her at all, but she is still on your back, 'replied the older monk." -Unknown Author

           When I was in college I used to have a lot of road rage. There would be times when someone would cut me off and I would catch up to them and throw pennies at their drivers side window.
           There was a incident that happened and I was glad I didn't throw any pennies. This incident happened during winter break while driving back home with my friend and a car full of our belongings. It was a 50 minute drive from my school to my house. At this point, I was about 10 minutes from my house. I was so engaged in the conversation that I was having that I almost missed my exit. I was in the middle lane and I needed to get over immediately to exit. I saw a car in the right lane and I slowed down to let the car pass. For some reason instead of the car passing it slowed down also. I waved my hand at the person driving the car to try to get him to move from in front of the exit. The person refused to drive away. My friend and I became very agitated and we said lets throw some pennies at him to get him to move. We were just about to grab some pennies to throw at the vehicle. We looked up at the vehicle and saw his police badge on the drivers side window. He started waving his hand to the side direction me to pull over.
          I immediately went from being angry to being scared. All I could think about was what if I would have threw those pennies at his car. My friend was still mad at the police officer for blocking the exit and then pulling us over.
             When the undercover police officer approached my vehicle I was very nervous, because I had never been pulled over before. The officer approached my drivers side window, I asked him why did he pull me over? Before the officer could speak, my friend immediately started arguing with the officer. I tried calming her down, but to no avail. The officer stated that he could give me a summons for obstruction of view. He said because I wasn't the one that was arguing with him that he is not going to give me a summons. He said if my friend was driving it would of been different.
            My friend talked about that situation all the way home. She continued to bring up that incident for at least two years. Every time she bought it up I would ask her when are you going to put that police officer down. He moved on with his life and you are still stuck on the highway. Put him down so that you can see all the great things that are waiting for you.

           We carry a situation that only lasted for a couple minutes throughout the day. When we do this it ruins our whole day, week, etc. We have to let it go and learn from it and move on. Every time you thing or talk about the situation you are keeping it alive and it will never resolve.

           We never have a bad day. We might have bad moments within the day. We all have 24hrs in a day. We sleep for at least 10hrs out of the 24hrs. Continuing to think and talk about your bad moments is what makes you create a bad day, week, month and or years.

"Stop worrying about what you don't like, and start worrying about what you do like."  Tracie Osborne

Are you the young monk or are you the elder monk?

Blogs are posted on Friday. Feel free to comment and share. If you have something you would like me to discuss share it in the comments or email

Have a great week on purpose,

Tracie Osborne

copyright 2016 Tracie Osborne All rights reserved

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